Yasser Hamdi
IRSN, France
Dr Yasser Hamdi’s specialization is in the analysis of the risk associated to hydrometeorology, environmental and climate extremes. He holds a PhD in Civil Engineering from Laval University (Quebec, Canada). He has developed several approaches and tools for the estimation of extreme events on local and regional scales, developed several methodologies and computer softwares that deal with a range of problems in the field of water and environmental engineering. His regional frequency model based on the empirical spatial extremogram creates new pathways for improving the regional frequency analysis to estimate extreme values at a target site. He has built this model after years of experience in research and teaching both in education, research and expertise institutions. He also has a long experience in the use of historical information in local and regional frequency analyses to characterize river and marine flooding hazards and in the frequency estimation of extreme temperature in a non-stationary context.
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